Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Website done

Thanks to Marla and Professor Herr, I think my website is done.

SED 619: Educational Website Development

Here is the SED 619 Wiki page to help with any questions about the class.
I created this google site you are viewing for SED 619.
I am also working on a professional website that was created using Dreamweaver.
I created a first day survey and survey results that can be seen on my Educational Survey page.
I created a class calendar that can be seen on my calendar page.
My editorial comments can be seen on my Editorial Comments blog.
My chroma-keying photos can be seen here with chicago in the background , me at Wrigley Field and my son and I on the moon.
My picasa web photo albums can be seen here with my teaching photos on picasa, and pictures of my family.
I created a table to display my hobbies and interests pictures and picasa web album.
My state standards can be seen here with mathematics, science, and social studies.
I have an anchor for How to contact the teacher that goes back to the main page to my Contact Me section.
I added a graph paper resource from graph paper I created--can be found under Math resources for teaching.
I added an excel spreadsheet with muliplication and addition tables--see under resources for teaching.
I created a spry tool tip with pictures of different triangles in my math page-- teaching resources.
I created another spry tooltip on the Declaration of Independence off my social studies standards page.
I created a spry tabbed panels with pictures from Ellis Island also in social studies, in the state standards.

I added an educational video to show convection current in my standards page--see convection current youtube video.
I added links to schoolhouse rock videos to "No More Kings" and "The Shot Heard 'Round the World" from youtube.
I created a powerpoint for the Revolutionary War which can be reached from my social studies standards page. It can be viewed as ppt, pdf and html. The above link has an anchor on the page to bring you right to the powerpoint.
I created a pictoral directory of women involved with the American Revolution.
Here is my template directory --it can be found in glossary/help off the main page under Templates.
Here is my cascading style sheet directory--it can be found in glossary/help off the main page under CSS.
I created a flash animation for my 618 class of a jack in the box.
My google groups link can be found on my link page.

1 comment:

  1. some of this looks like it got cut off. It can be found on my google site under my master classes 619 link
