Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Marla's update of site & recommendations

I reviewed your sites and here are my comments:

I have an anchor for How to contact the teacher that goes back to the main page to my Contact Me section. Marla: I really like this; maybe you can share how to do this with me.

I created a spry tool tip with pictures from Ellis Island in my social studies page--photos used in teaching. Marla: I really like this feature.

I created a spry tabbed panels with pictures from Ellis Island also in social studies, in the state standards. Marla: When I clicked on this tab, nothing happened.

I created an interactive map with a photo & comment to Castlebay Lane Elementary school. Marla: This is good. I would replace your Map To School link on the home page to go this page or make it an additional link under Map to School. Change banner to match home page.

I created a powerpoint for the Revolutionary War which can be reached from my social studies standards page. It can be viewed as ppt, pdf and html. The above link has an anchor on the page to bring you right to the powerpoint. Marla: This was nice; however, it took a really long time to load. Not sure how avoid this; maybe Steve knows.

Some other things I noticed when I was looking at your site:

Science page:

The Notable Scientists photo album is gone. It takes you to a CSUN web page saying there is an error. I cannot access Weather Map—no access error message.

Math page:

I would add some graph paper docs. I think we did this with Dr. Herr and they are probably in a folder on your flash drive. You will need 1 cm graphing paper for elementary school math. I know my son has used it for area & perimeter in the geometry unit of Everyday Math.


You are doing better than me here. However, I didn’t see a link to Condensation or Convection Current.


I would create an animation page and put your Jack in the Box and Scratch game here.

I love the look of your site now. The banner and headings look great!

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