Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Final Review

Here are my comments:

1. Spry tool tip on triangles and Declaration of Independence: I think you should underline or bold the words that link to the spry so the reader knows something is there for them to see if they hover over it.
2. Convection Current diagram: Is not available
3. You Tube videos cannot be viewed at by school sites/district unless you get approval by the tech dept. They are classified as adult content. I’m not sure how easy this is with a big district like LAUSD. Also, every time they update firewall, you need to request access again. Great idea! I love Schoolhouse Rock.
4. Revolutionary Women: I loved this photo album. I will share it with my husband. He teaches US at the high school and is always looking for photos.
5. Template directory: I get the entire home page when I click on it.
6. Glossary: Very impressive. If I have any time this evening, you’ve shamed me into adding content to mine. I like that you put a link to template and css directories in there. I may steal the idea.

Your site looks great. I love what you have done with the css. It looks like an A+ to me!

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