Tuesday, December 15, 2009

re: Final review

Thank you Marla for reviewing my website so thoroughly.
I have bolded the words for my spry pages--that was a great idea.

I added the convection current pdf to my site, so it doesn't have to go to google docs, so there should not be a permission problem anymore.

I'm glad you like the American Revolution Women picture directory...it took quite a while for me to put it together...I'd be happy if someone was able to use it (like your husband).

Professor Herr had recommended we put in links to movies & I found those movies in Youtube, so I guess I would have to ask for access to them from the school site when I get a job.

I'm still having the issue with the template directory...I don't know why it isn't working anymore. I'm hoping professor Herr can figure it out tomorrow when I see him.

I believe I have met all the requirements for the class.

Thanks again for checking things out!

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