Friday, September 25, 2009

Searching for needles in Janice's haystack

It readily apparent that you have put a lot of energy and time into your content. Clearly there is nothing lacking and I now have to begin a needle in a haystack hunt or go on a nitpicking expedition.

On the about page, the text is quite a bit below the top of the page. It's an issue with text wrapping around the image. It would be nice if the text wrapped closer to the top of the page and there were a bit more spacing or padding between the image and the text.

On the main education page, the content is impressive and to the point. I see you've already added links back to the schools on their respective pages. How about adding links on the main education page? Might be overboard, but maybe link to a mapquest or google map of the places. Or perhaps a school logo or mascot or just images of the campuses.

On the education philosophy page, the title "Teaching Philosophy for Janice Nardella" needs to be called out with bold or size or color to visually delineate it's role as a heading. The content itself is excellent in my view. I really like the detail.

On the Hobbies and Interests page I really like the image and logo, it's visually appealing and a nice touch. This is just a great read. One of the best pages.

On the Work Experience page, "Good observational skills"?? how about excellent, outstanding, superior ? Good is too toned down. Same for "well organized" Sell it a little more. Think "What would Billy Mays do?"

"Successfully educational field trips to ...." I think you're missing a word in there. Lead? coordinated? orchestrated?

"Proficient in Office 2000 applications" Are you sure you aren't proficient in something newer like office 2003, office 2007 ? What about Macs or Mac apps ?

" 20 years of Information technology experience, including database ........What kind of databases ? Oracle? SQL ? Postgresql ? all of the above?

Overall, the content is rich and full. It's apparent you've accomplished a lot educationally and professionally. You've continued to grow with your hobbies and you give back to the community. It's very impressive.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for being so thorough Steve! I have updated the site as you have recommended.
