Sunday, September 27, 2009

Personal Website Requirements & updates

I believe I have met most of the below requirements. I have updated my website to reflect Marla's & Steve's comments--thanks both of you!!

My academic website is beginning to be formed. I don't have a lot of information to put in it, so right now I am using the information I taught during student teaching.

Build a personal website using Google Sites. Your site should include:
Personal Introduction
Work Experience
Educational Philosophy
Hobbies & Interests
Photo of you
Photos relevant to your interests, hobbies, etc. (Picasaweb)
Other relevant information
Links to your CSUN website and personal domain
Links to all Masters Degree Coursework
SED 618: Educational Multimedia
SED 619: Educational Website Development
SED 600: Research Methods for Ed Technology
Elective (SED 646) Computers in Math and Science
SED 690: Special Topics in Ed Technology
Elective (SED 671) Designing Instructional Materials
SED 610: Seminar on Secondary Education
SED 697: Preparation for the MA
Links to the collaborative resources used for instruction

1 comment:

  1. 10/7/09 - I love the logos you put in for your undergrad, credential and masters program universities. When I got to the tab labeled Academic Website, I got a little confused.
    1. There is no link to your academic site.
    2. There are 5 subpages: Classes Taught takes you to the next tab. Then you have contacts, which is nice, I like email and web site. Not sure why you put the US History calendar here when you have your personal calendar under resources. Curric Resource, Department and Parents Info (typo, I think) all are empty.
    3. Should your next tab Classes Taught be indented under Academic Website? I liked Science and SS lesson; however, you need to give access to the math lesson.
    I like the items you added under resources: Calendar and Ed Tech Cohorts sites.
    Overall, I think it is really comprehensive. I just think the Academic and Classes taught could be blended better.
