Monday, September 21, 2009

Review of Personal Website

This looks great! The only comments I have are that under Master's Coursework, you have two active links to SED 618 and none to Dr. Herr's SED 619 course.

The next thing I notice is there is no academic website link. Not sure if you omitted it b/c you are not teaching. However, I think it would be nice to build a resource site for yourself from your student teaching experience. For example, for Grade 4: Standards, curriculum content, teacher developed material, planning guide, resources, pictures from student teaching, etc.

Anyway, you are a great role model for me. I want my site to be like Janice's!



  1. Thanks Marla! I added the 619 link and I will add an academic link. I have information I can load on it from my home pc.
    I'm so glad you reviewed it!

  2. Build a personal website using Google Sites. Your site should include:

    Personal Introduction
    Work Experience
    Educational Philosophy
    Hobbies & Interests
    Photo of you
    Photos relevant to your interests, hobbies, etc. (Picasaweb)
    Other relevant information
    Links to your CSUN website and personal domain
    Links to all Masters Degree Coursework
    SED 618: Educational Multimedia
    SED 619: Educational Website Development
    SED 600: Research Methods for Ed Technology
    Elective (SED 646) Computers in Math and Science
    SED 690: Special Topics in Ed Technology
    Elective (SED 671) Designing Instructional Materials
    SED 610: Seminar on Secondary Education
    SED 697: Preparation for the MA
    Links to the collaborative resources used for instruction
